So, you're going on about your business, eating whatever you want to eat, and enjoying life until one day you see a picture of yourself. My first question to my husband was, "Why didn't you tell me that I had gotten this big?" His response? "I thought you knew. You look fine."
I look fine? I look fine!!! Are you kidding me? I did not look fine!
Earlier in the year, I had lost over 20 pounds. Throughout the summer, I had gained the 20 back and then some. Something had to be done. But what?
Previously, I had tried Weight Watchers (the online version). Although, I saw weight loss success, I was only accountable to me and soon started eating what I wanted and gained it all back.
I've also tried green smoothies. I lost a good bit of weight doing this also, but when it was all said and done, I couldn't sustain it.
So, what was I going to do? One of my family members had seen real weight loss success through Quick Weightloss Centers. I knew I needed the accountability of weighing in with someone (I need to be fat-shamed in public) in order to stay on track. I decided to give them a try.
I went to their website, put in my contact information and waited for the call. I didn't have to wait long before a friendly voice called to set up an appointment.
I went in, listened to the information about the program and signed up that day (I didn't want to be fat no mo!). And so it began.
Below, you will find the pictures in question... He really thought they were "fine." I pulled them off of his Facebook! The nerve of some people!