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  • Writer's picturePatrice

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Updated: Feb 1, 2018

Christmas and the days surrounding it are about family, friends, and FOOD!!

One of my absolute favorite parts of the holiday season are those butter and sugar, ornament- shaped Christmas cookies with the sprinkles. I can dive head first into a box of those with reckless abandon and devour an entire box.

Sane self: Ok Patrice, remember you don't want to be fat no mo!

Insane self: Does that mean that I can't eat the cookies?

Sane self: Are they on the approved food list?

Insane self: No

Sane self: Do you want to be fat some mo?

Insane self: No, I don't want to be fat no mo.

Sane self: Then you better not eat the cookies.

Insane self (through my tears): I won't eat the cookies.

(Side note: My insane self thinks that she can eat the same way she used to and continue to see results. Kinda crazy, huh?)

My family has all kinds of gatherings during the holidays. This year, we went to the movies, ice skating, trampoline park, and had a massive Christmas Eve party. That means I had to pass up popcorn, candy, hot chocolate with marshmallows, and some really good party food, but I wanted to be sane. I didn't touch any of it! I failed to properly prepare for Christmas Day.

Once we leave the house for brunch with the in-laws on Christmas, we usually don't come home until late. So, while I packed up my breakfast and some uncooked meat, it just wasn't enough to be successful.

For breakfast, my lovely mother-in-law had made a boiled egg just for me, but I also brought one. I ate both! No, no number one.

For lunch, I had a piece of the smoked turkey that was provided and steamed veggies. For dinner, I had the same smoked turkey and salad, but there was no light dressing. No, no number two.

So, instead of losing, I gained. I was so disappointed! To be honest, I wish it was a cookie or two that took me down and not an extra egg and some salad dressing.

Here I am enjoying myself on Christmas Eve, even though I didn't eat any of the delicious food.

This is at about 25lbs. down. Can you see the difference? I can't.

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